Contact us and we can answer any questions you may have. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you.
1905 North Main Street
Santa Ana, CA 92706
Telephone: 714.973.1436
Fax: 714. 973.0811
Why Elmco Insurance is a leading independent agency
Established in 1958 as a full-service insurance organization, elmco operates as both agent and broker for all lines of personal and business insurance,
Our personnel are not only licensed and trained in the field of insurance, they are also dedicated to providing excellence in personal service. A large proportion of our clients have been with us for many years. They trust us with their insurance portfolio and we value their confidence. After all, servicing our clients is what has made our agency one of the most prestigious in Southern California.
Business and Commercial Policies
Elmco Insurance Provides A Wide Variety of Products Tailored To Your Needs
Automobile Homeowner's Fire
Aviation Boat Life
Individual Medical Liability
Property Business Interuption
Worker's Compensation Bonds Pension Plans
Group Policies Medical Specialty Policies
Contractors liability policies
Our decades of experience is Contractor's Liability Insurance can give your business the right protection with the policy.
Elmco insurance is committed to providing superior service with every commercial policy.
Established in 1958 as a full-service insurance organization, elmco operates as both agent and broker for all lines of commercial insurance,
Our personnel are not only licensed and trained in the field of commercial insurance. A large proportion of our clients have been with us for many years. They trust us with their insurance portfolio and we value their confidence. After all, servicing our clients is what has made our agency one of the most prestigious in Southern California.
We offer the following products for businesses:
Commercial Package Policy - including coverage for property, marine, crime, general liability, auto and garage liability.
Specialized Policies - property, crime general liability, commercial autos and garage liability.
Worker's Compensation policies.
Umbrella policies.
Dual Policy Discount - for businesses that place their workers compensation and property casualty coverages with Elmco Insurance.
Agriculture Business Coverages.
Specialized Coverage - for various type of businesses from our managed programs department.
Looking for a special or hard to find policy?
Elmco Insurance has you covered.
No matter what kind of business you have, we are experienced in securing the best policy for you. We have decades of experience in the most demanding industries and can put together a program that will serve your business today and into the future.
Customized Programs for all your Insurance Needs
Do you have a special event coming up and are in need of liability coverage?
Elmco insurance can take care of everything in order for your event to have the coverage you need.
Important Note: This website provides only a simplified description of coverages and is not a statement of contract. Coverage may not apply in all states. For complete details of coverages, conditions, limits and losses not covered, be sure to read the policy, including all endorsements
Important Note: This website provides only a simplified description of coverages and is not a statement of contract. Coverage may not apply in all states. For complete details of coverages, conditions, limits and losses not covered, be sure to read the policy, including all endorsements.